Militaria Archive

Western Front Album - Eastern Front loose pictures & Stalag Front 221 Document

This is the photo album of a Wehrmacht man who left Germany, & travelled through Holland, Belgium, France and into Spain. Included are pictures of Kissingen, Schweinfurt, Bamberg (Bavaria), Ghent (Belgium), Antwerp (Holland) Chartres, La Rochelle, Angouleme, Bordeaux, Gradignan, Arcachon, Souge, Lacanau, Biarritz, (France ) Hendaye on the Spanish border, the Pyrenees & San Sebastian in Spain. Also in the album are pictures showing Colonial French POW's working with the Wehrmacht in a POW hospital prison camp 'Lager Lazarett' Kgf-Laz: Lazarett für Kriegsgefangene. Also belonging to this album are approx 90 loose pictures showing RAD enlistment and service, more Germany, France & colonial french POW's, vichy & many of the Russian front, Following the loose pictures is a camp publication from Front Stalag 221 Christmas 1941.

Lacanau Ocean