Militaria Archive

Propaganda - Magazines, Flyers, Posters & Books

A mixed sample of pre to late war WW2 German propaganda printed materials, covering flyers, posters, magazines, books and magazines. This set Includes: Der Adler magazine of the Luftwaffe Sept 1942. Magazine - Arbeitertum (DAF program 'Kraft Durch Freude' Strength through Joy) December 1939. Magazine- 'W.S.-Kameradschaft' Nachtrichtenblat fur die kameratschaftliche vereinigung der waffenmeisterschulen der wehrmacht. Newspaper of the of the weapon master schools of the Wehrmacht. February, April, June, & August 1940. Book 'Organisation of Deutsche Arbeitsfront'. Book - In Gods Promised land ('In gottes Eigenem land') - Dr E. Ahlswede, anti-American propaganda 1942. Republished to much amusement in excerpts in Life magazine. Magazine - 70 years of sea rescue. Magazine - The NS Gemeinschaft 'Kraft durch Freude'(Strength through Joy) a subset of the Deutsche Arbeitsfront (April to September 1936, January to April 1937, September to October 1937). Flyer NS-Frauenschaft (NSF: National Socialist Women's League). Flyer - for a lecture on the subject of 'Political Catholicism' by Parteigenosse Dr Rugel 31st March 1938. Flyer - instruction sheet for how to fill in your Genealogical Table (Ahnentafel). Flyer - Lectture series 'Bombs on Poland' 'Combat Spirit and Daring Courage' details on the series of talks by different armed services. Flyer - Heroes of the Air. Flyer - Tourism Bad Oberdorf. Flyer - Greater German Art Exhibition, House of German Culture Munich, 16 July - 15 October 1939. Booklet- Vidkun Quisling, Sept 1940, produced Propagandakontor Oslo. Booklet - Beer house songs theme of Rhine. Poster 'who rather suffers death ... cannot be wounded' Stephan Ludwig Roth (nsdap 1944 poster).

Der Adler - Luftwaffe Publication 22 Sept 1942 - Advert FW 190